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Responify Quick Guide

Welcome to the Responify Guide, your quick reference to prepare and refine your designs for smooth conversion. Follow these steps to ensure your desktop layouts transition effectively to mobile-friendly versions with Responify.

Preparing Your Design for Conversion

To ensure the best results when using Responify, follow these guidelines before converting your designs:

  • Use Auto Layout: Ensure that all sections and entire screens are built with Auto Layout. Designs not using Auto Layout will lead to inaccurate results.
  • Minimize "Ignore Auto Layout": Avoid frequent use of the "Ignore Auto Layout" option, as it can reduce the accuracy of the conversion.
  • Review Text Boxes: Check the width and height of text boxes. Avoid excessive use of fixed width and height, and ensure they are adaptable to varying screen sizes.

Refining Your Design After Conversion

Once you've converted your design, it’s important to review and refine the following elements:

  • Min and Max Width/Height: Adjust the min and max width and height of elements to ensure they display correctly on different screen sizes.
  • Text Sizes: Review and fine-tune text sizes to maintain readability across all devices.
  • Fill Container Property: For some elements, apply the "Fill container" property to the width to make them fit better within their parent containers.
  • Auto Layout Orientation: Adjust the orientation of Auto Layout sections. Some sections may need to switch from wrap to vertical or horizontal orientation to align properly.

Why Refinement is Necessary

You may wonder, “Why do I need to refine my design if Responify does the conversion?” Responify handles the essential and time-consuming tasks involved in transforming desktop designs into mobile layouts. However, achieving a polished and perfect design requires some manual adjustments by the designer.

Our tool provides an accuracy range of 60-90%, depending on the design complexity and how well the initial setup follows the guidelines. By refining your design post-conversion, you ensure the final product is both functional and visually appealing.

Responify simplifies the conversion process, but a designer's touch is key for perfect results. Use this guide to fine-tune your mobile designs and get the most out of Responify, ensuring seamless and efficient design transformations.